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Holy God, whose love springs up to eternal life
How are you calling us today? How can we help? 


Pour out your Holy Spirit

on Brunswick United Methodist Church
May our church be a fountain of grace

and an oasis of mercy


Immerse our ministry partners in your blessing:

Christ Saving Grace

Living Christ Chapel

Casa del Rey

Early Steps Learning Preschool

Loaves and Fishes community meals

REFIT® exercise ministry
our Girl Scout troop
and the students of Kwekwe, Zimbabwe


Refresh us by the power of your Word and Holy Spirit

until we all splash together on your peaceful shore


Alleluia! Amen! 

Alleluia! Amen!

Brunswick United Methodist Church

6122 42nd Avenue North

Crystal, MN 55422

Parking lot is behind the church, off Colorado Avenue North


Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays noon - 3pm

Phone: 763-533-1661

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