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Service in Our Community

Helping Hands

Dinner at Your Door 

Join in this local effort that delivers meals to home-bound people who cannot cook for themselves. Delivery time takes under one hour on the first Tuesday of each month. To participate: Go to the Crystal Community Center on Douglas Drive. Arrive by 10:45 am (parking in the large lot), enter the main door and look for DAYD (Dinner At Your Door) signs in the hall. 


Loaves & Fishes  

Loaves and Fishes' mission is to provide nutritious meals to people who are hungry in the Twin Cities metro area in an atmosphere of hospitality at site locations where the need is greatest. Loaves and Fishes serves meals to go curbside at Brunswick on Wednesday evenings from 5:30-6:30 pm. More information at


NEAR (North Suburban Emergency Assistance Response) 

A non-profit volunteer organization, NEAR responds to the emergency needs of people in our community. Through a cooperative effort of eleven area churches (of which Brunswick is one), volunteers provide an emergency food shelf and limited financial assistance to residents of northern Robbinsdale, Crystal, and New Hope who live between 42nd and 62nd Avenues North. More information at


PRISM (People Responding In Social Ministry) 

PRISM is a social service agency that helps local families during times of financial hardship. We support PRISM in helping families in the near northwest suburbs of Minneapolis (this includes the PRISM food shelf and other programs). More information at


Brunswick United Methodist Church

6122 42nd Avenue North

Crystal, MN 55422

Parking lot is behind the church, off Colorado Avenue North


Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays noon - 3pm

Phone: 763-533-1661

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