Children's Ministry

The purpose of our Children's Ministry is to provide an atmosphere that is safe, loving, and packed with fun-filled opportunities to praise and learn about Christ.
Relationships are fundamental to life. God tells us to love Him and to love others. In all of our activities we try to let kids be kids, but we also teach, model, and practice these two truths: Love God and love each other! We research and explore age appropriate, creative, fun-filled, Biblical-based curriculum, which allows children to explore a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
​Sunday Nursery
Children are always welcome in worship, even if they run around and make a little noise. But if you prefer an alternative for children 3 and under, our nursery is staffed by volunteers weekly. Loving care, in a safe environment for the smallest children makes it possible for families to enjoy worship together while knowing their little ones are enjoying age-appropriate toys and music.