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Giving makes a difference

Your gift to Brunswick supports not only our local congregation and community

but also other ministries worldwide.

Other Ways to Give


  • Send a text to 73256

  • The message should say BUMCLIFE and then any dollar amount (BUMCLIFE $50, for example)


Brunswick UMC​

6122 42nd Ave N

Crystal, MN 55422

Donate Stock/

IRA Distribution

Email for assistance

In Person

We receive an offering each Sunday during worship.

Do you have questions about your giving statements, signing up for email delivery

of statements or other questions about set up of electronic giving?


Use the form below to contact our Financial Secretary, Jeanne Ullmer, with those questions. 


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Brunswick United Methodist Church

6122 42nd Avenue North

Crystal, MN 55422

Parking lot is behind the church, off Colorado Avenue North


Office Hours: Tuesdays & Thursdays noon - 3pm

Phone: 763-533-1661

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