Laquaan Malachi
Call to Ministry
I discovered my call to ministry through the Wesley Foundation in college. I was drawn in by the three general rules and this is what led me to become Methodist and to serve here.
Gifts for the Ministry
I am very good at talking to and understanding people, even when I disagree with them. I am also a good preacher. I understand the power effective sermons can have to produce change. I also work extraordinarily well with youth and children. I have a lot of experience with funerals and pastoral care.
Aspirations for Ministry and for Serving the Local Church
I have always felt a call to connecting the local church with the people around them. This means both church members and the local non church community.
Passion for Ministry
My passion for ministry stems from my passion for caring about people. My call is rooted in a theology of love and inclusion, and I am passionate about creating those spaces, so that all may feel welcome in the Kingdom of God.
Vision of the Church
An ideal church would be one where people of all walks join together to contribute to realizing God’s kingdom on Earth. Church should be communal and safe for all people. A recharging station for our work in the community and world.
Leadership Style
I prefer to lead through collaboration and inspiration, with an overwhelming amount of love and grace. I prefer to be honest and upfront with people as a means of building trust. I always seek to be fair with people.
Theological Perspective
My theological perspective can most easily be described as Wesleyan. It can be summed up by the General Rules of the United Methodist Church. 1) Do No Harm 2) Do All the Good You Can 3) Attend Upon the Ordinances of God. These rules are the core principles of my belief system.

Christine Laughlin
Christine loves to bring music to life through her music. Christine leads the congregation on organ and piano alike. She is also a wonderful flutist, playing special music and accompanying other groups. Christine has a Master of Arts in Theology (LSTC, 2005) and a Master of Arts in Sacred Music (Seabury Western, 2006).

Denise Berrington
Office & Communications Coordinator
Denise joined the Brunswick staff in 2015. She enjoys working on the church's communications and media. A Canadian expatriate of over 25 years, she resides in Dayton with her husband, two daughters, a Labradoodle, and two cats.